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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why should I choose asphalt for paving projects in Des Moines?

A: Asphalt is a popular choice for paving projects due to its durability, cost-effectiveness, and ability to withstand extreme weather conditions. That makes it perfect for Des Moines. It provides a smooth surface, is quick to install, and requires minimal maintenance.

Q: Are there any permits or regulations I need to consider before paving with asphalt?

A: Yes. Fortunately we look after that for you. Before starting any paving project, it's important we check local regulations and obtain any necessary permits. At G and H Asphalt, we have all the necessary licenses, insurance, and certifications to ensure compliance with the required standards.

Q: How long does the asphalt paving process usually take?

A: The duration of an asphalt paving project can vary depending on several factors, such as the size of the area to be paved, weather conditions in Des Moines, and the complexity of the job. Generally, smaller projects can be completed within a day or two, while larger projects may take several days or even weeks.

Q: What is the typical lifespan of an asphalt pavement done by G and H Asphalt in Des Moines?

A: The lifespan of asphalt pavement varies depending on several factors, including the quality of materials used, the level of maintenance provided, and the amount of traffic the pavement receives. On average, well-constructed and properly maintained asphalt surfaces that G and H Asphalt install can last for 15 to 20 years or even longer. That is because of we use high quality asphalt, our professional installation, and the detailed way we handle every project.

Q: Do you recycle old asphalt pavement?

A: Yes, recycling old asphalt pavement is an environmentally-friendly practice and a common practice. Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) can be recycled and reused in new asphalt mixes, reducing the demand for new materials, minimizing waste, and help make our prices competitive. G and H Asphalt has the capability to incorporate RAP into our paving projects.

Q: How can I maintain my asphalt pavement?

A: Regular maintenance is crucial for maximizing the lifespan of your asphalt pavement. This can include periodic seal coating, filling cracks and potholes, and ensuring proper drainage to prevent water damage. It's also important to sweep or hose down your pavement regularly and remove any debris or vegetation that may accumulate.

Q: Do you pave with asphalt during the winter in Des Moines?

A: While asphalt can be successfully installed during colder months, G and H Asphalt ends their season when extreme winter conditions set in. This can be anywhere between November and December. Extremely low temperatures and frozen ground hinder the effectiveness of the installation process.

But don't despair. We are taking reservations for next year and our season generally starts in March, if not earlier, when weather permits.

Q: How do I choose the right asphalt paving contractor in Des Moines?

A: When selecting an asphalt contractor, consider their experience, reputation, and track record of successful projects in Des Moines. Gather multiple quotes, ask for references, and inquire about their methods, materials, and warranties. It's also beneficial to check online reviews and seek recommendations from friends, family, or local business associations. Check out Our Nomad Warning Public Service Advisory. That will explain the necessity for making informed choices.

We hope this FAQs list provides helpful information about asphalt. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask G and H Asphalt!

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